On Monday, October 7th, Jack Lattman, an HLF Young Ambassador, completed his online fundraiser to raise money for an organization called SCOPE (Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education). SCOPE works to send children to summer camps who otherwise wouldn’t have the sufficient funds to attend. After going to a summer camp for eight years, he truly understands the importance of socially developing with a close community around you.
Originally he had hoped to raise $2,600 which could send two children to a summer camp for two weeks, covering all of the expenses. After surpassing his original goal and concluding with $3,893, Jack was thrilled to share with his friends and family what he had accomplished.
Jack felt like he wanted to make a bigger impact and do more than simply raise money for SCOPE. He is now a proud member of the SCOPE Junior Leadership Council and loves collaborating with other teenagers who are working towards the same goal.
“I’m hoping that the work I do encourages other teenagers to do the same. It’s really one of the best feelings in the world to know that the money I’m raising will contribute towards unforgettable experiences of children across the country.”
Written by Jack Lattman