Inspired by her very own dog, young ambassador Kylie Koehne completed a service project donating money to a local therapy dog program. AIR dogs focuses on improving mental health and overall well being through therapy dogs, a program that her dog became a part of after her fathers passing.

After seeing the impact her dog had made on others Kylie contacted AIR dogs to set up a fundraiser where proceeds would be donated to them for supplies and other needs for the dogs. The fundraiser was held at Vinnie Mootz, a local mozzarella shop in town. She promoted the event by making a flyer which was posted on the shop’s social media, as well as spread throughout the community. A lot of friends and family posted the flyer as well helping to spread the word.

The event was held on April 28th 2024. Family, friends, and customers were able to come in the shop and meet Finnley (her therapy dog) and donate for a good cause. After her efforts were complete she raised almost 1,000 dollars. A portion of the money went towards her brother’s service project and a portion went to AIR dogs.

Kylie was very thankful for this experience and to be able to give back to her community!