Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA, holds a special place in the hearts of Henrik Lundqvist Foundation Young Ambassador Reese Powell and her family.  ABA therapy is used to increase language and communication skills, as well as improve attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics.

Reese Powell, a current 9th grade student at The Mary Louis Academy in Jamaica Estates, New York, became a HLFYA in December of 2023.  When deciding on her Independent Service Project (ISP), Reese knew she wanted to give back to her community of Bayside, New York, but she also wanted to choose a project that she felt a strong connection to.  In her research, Reese came across St. Mary’s Hospital for Children.  St. Mary’s is a long-care facility for children located in Bayside – practically in Reese’s own backyard!  In looking at their website, Reese saw all of the amazing programs offered by the hospital and decided that she wanted to organize a collection for the supplies that one of the programs needed.  The question was – which program to choose?  Once Reese saw that St. Mary’s offered an ABA program, she knew that she found her project!  Reese received ABA therapy in her home for 2 hours a day for almost 2 years.  The caring therapists who combined play and learning with therapy, helped to make Reese the young woman she is today.  Reese and her family are forever grateful for the guidance and development provided by her therapists.  Reese knew that she wanted to be able to give to a program like her own that made such a difference in her life.

Reese got started on her project in April of 2024.  She began by taking items from the Amazon list for ABA that was provided on the St. Mary’s website to create her own Amazon list that was able to be shared.  Reese planned to share the list through social media to reach a large audience, but she also spoke to many of her family, friends, and her hockey team on the phone, in-person, or through text and email to let them know about her ISP.  Reese created two flyers describing her ISP and the reasons why this project was so special to her, as well as how to donate. Once the flyers and the list were posted, the response was unbelievable!  Within hours, Rese started receiving notifications that items from her list were purchased and they started arriving at her home the very next day. Donations continued coming in and by the end of the summer, Reese collected over 140 items for St. Mary’s!

On Friday, August 30th, Reese delivered two very large crates of donations to St. Mary’s. The hospital representative, Vito Tautonico, was extremely appreciative of the donation and assured Reese that all of her items would be put to great use by the ABA program both in the hospital and during at-home sessions.  Mr. Tautonico took the time to tell Reese all about the amazing programs the hospital has to offer as well as other ways that she can continue to be involved.  Reese is excited to continue her relationship with St. Mary’s, and is looking forward to when she is 16 and able to volunteer at the hospital!

This experience has been amazing for Reese and she is so proud and honored that she was able to help a program much like the one that made such a lasting impact on her life.  Reese will be continuing her involvement with St. Mary’s, and hopes that the children utilizing the items she collected will benefit from ABA as much as she did!


By: Reese Powell